Angela Marshall

Forgotten Waltz

  Forgotten Waltz  
Sheet music file
2.99 USD
PDF, 438.8 Kb (5 p.)


CompositorAngela Marshall
EditoraAngela Marshall
Gênero Clássico / Romance
Instrumentação Piano, Teclado
Composição paraSolo
Tipo de composiçãoFor a single performer
chave Fá (F) menor
duração 1'30"
dificuldade Medium
Ano de composição 2009
descripção This wistful waltz for piano was inspired by the interval of a minor sixth and the melancholy of solitary memories. The Forgotten Waltz received the highest score in the collegiate division of the 2009 Lynn Freeman Olson Composition Competition. It is an early intermediate level of difficulty according to American pedagogical standards.
data de postagem 30 abr 2012


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